Six (6) Different Mobile Trauma Surgical Units Specifically Designed To Meet Any Natural or Manmade Disaster! Are YOU ready to handle a disaster when it occurs?

Mobile Trauma Surgical Facility (26′)(8M)
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Remote Mobile Surgery Unit (30′)(9M)
View DetailsRemote Mobile Surgery Unit (30′)(9M)
This facility is specially designed as a remote mobile surgery unit. It has a doctor’s scrub area, two (2) patient stations for pre-op and recovery, and one (1) clean and safe Operating Room (OR). This operating room is for performing surgical procedures on patients located in very remote areas.
Remote Mobile Surgery Unit II
View DetailsRemote Mobile Surgery Unit II
This Remote Mobile Surgery Unit II is designed with a doctor’s scrub area, one (1) clean and safe Operating Room (OR), and two (2) patient stations for pre-op and recovery. The operating room is designed for performing operations on patients located in very remote communities or villages or for battlefield casualties..
Mobile Trauma Surgical Trailer (30′)(9M)
View DetailsMobile Trauma Surgical Trailer (30′)(9M)
Our Trauma Surgical Trailer is specially designed to provide surgical treatment for massive traumas on the battlefields or at the site of a mass casualty incident. This facility is designed to travel to the site, of the traumatic incident, and then be able to perform surgical procedures ….Mobile Healthcare Facilities’ Mobile Trauma Surgical Facilities
Mobile Healthcare Facilities is committed to providing our customers with the best mobile trauma surgical facilities on the market. Our trauma surgical units are a perfect surgical facility to treat multiple casualties resulting from: 1) Mass Casualty Incidents; 2) Battlefield Casualties; and 3) Natural and Manmade Disasters.
Our Trauma Surgery Units are specially designed to provide the highest standards for performing critical surgical procedures on very sick and injured patients. Every mobile trauma surgical unit are totally self-contained and conditioned to handle any environment and still meet the standards of care for brick and mortar ambulatory surgical centers in the United States.
Our facilities can be purchased with 2WD, 4WD, and 6WD depending upon your specific needs. With our excellent off-road capabilities, these facilities are capable of traversing the globes toughest terrain and road networks.
All of our Mobile Trauma Surgical Units are integrated with Medical Gas systems (Oxygen, Medical Air, and Vacuum). Also, the surgical suite is protected by a HEPA filtration system with 20+ air exchanges per hour. Having a Trauma Surgical Facility at the scene of a mass casualty incident site can be the difference between either saving a person’s life or limbs.
The optimum solution is based upon:
- The number of surgical tables required.
- The number of patient recovery stations required.
- Various terrains these facilities will need to travel over to get to patients.
- Ideal type of Medical Equipment.