About the Install of our Mobile ER Facility for Kaiser Permenente

Kaiser Permanente’s Medical Center in Richmond California was providing temporary
Emergency Room capabilities in a tent in the park lot. This temporary shelter (tent) was built and set up due to COVID-19 to be able to handle the additional volume of patients during the pandemic of 2019. With the constant increase in demand for Emergency Room capabilities, Kaiser Permanente recommissioned the COVID-19 temporary shelters into emergency rooms to handle the increase in ER demand.
With the increase in demand for Emergency Rooms and the State of California shutting down the use of the tent structures for temporary Emergency Rooms, Kaiser Permanente’s Medical Center’s Emergency Department was in desperate need of Temporary Emergency Room Capabilities that meet the state of California’s medical requirements. Because of this demand, Kaiser Permanente needed a temporary solution to meet their current patient demand and the
requirements of the State of California.
As a perfect solution to this problem, they purchased 1 ea. Mobile ED facility from Mobile
Healthcare Facilities. This solution allowed them to successfully meet the patient demand while concurrently building and expanding their current ED department. The addition of the 1 Mobile ED/ER facility, increased their ED capacity by 30% and allowed them to remove the temporary tent solution. Now they can properly treat all of their patients while maintaining their ability to expand their permanent ED department.