Exterior Kaiser Permenente Medical Center

Mobile Emergency Room Facility (53′)(16M)

 Patient Inside Mobile Emergency Room TrailerHealthcare Facilities’ Mobile Emergency Room (ER) is a complete emergency response center. Our mobile ER has a specialized admissions area designed for the treatment of “walk-in” patients who are in need of immediate medical care but do not have an appointment to be admitted into the hospital.

This Mobile Emergency Room is able to deal with patients who are in need of immediate medical care as a result of trauma or other life-threatening conditions. This facility is only designed to get the patient stable, before the patient is transferred to surgery or intensive care. Even with our ER’s ability to stabilize critical patients, it also can be used for the treatment of basic care patients with a wide range of conditions from the mundane to complex.

Mobile Healthcare Facilities Mobile ER Facility has been successfully used by multiple hospitals as part of the hospital’s Emergency Department (ED) by adding additional Emergency Room (ER) capacity for the hospital. In addition, government agencies have successfully utilized these facilities as part of their Emergency Response Plan to combat the drastic effects from natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, tornados, earthquakes, etc.).

The Mobile ICU/ER has become one of Mobile Healthcare Facilities largest sales volume products due to the continued need for ever expanding ED facility needs all over the continental United States.

Our mobile emergency room facility is based on a double expandable 53’ (16M) trailer chassis providing up to 1100 ft2 (102 m2) of internal medical and medical support space. This mobile ER is specially designed to provide emergency medical treatment that meets all US Standards of Care for a brick and mortar hospital’s emergency room.

Mobile Healthcare Facilities’ mobile ER facilities are U.S. Healthcare Code compliant and can be state licensed and Joint Commission accredited.

This mobile emergency center is highly sophisticated; however, it is simple enough to be set up in less than one (1) hour with a crew of eight (8) personnel and ready to service patients. Therefore, this mobile emergency room unit is ready for any kind of mission: 1) domestic or international; 2) everyday emergency needs; and 3) disaster response from natural or manmade disasters.

Our 53’ (16M) Mobile Emergency Room layout maximizes the internal space proving you with eight (8) separate emergency rooms. A privacy curtain separates two (2) side by side emergency rooms so if additional working space is required (for equipment or additional doctors and nurses or intense emergencies), the curtain can be pulled back making for a much larger emergency room.

To improve customer safety and reduce risk of infection, our emergency room facility utilizes a positive pressure HVAC system, and a filtration system that meets U.S. emergency room codes. Also, Medical Gases are integrated into each ER room providing O2, Medical Air, and Vacuum to each emergency room.

 Operation Inside Mobile Emergency Room Facility

This facility consists of the following rooms:

  • Nurses Station
  • Emergency Rooms (8)
  • Lavatory
  • Equipment Storage Area and Lockers

This mobile ER has the following standard medical equipment:

  • Storage Lockers (1)
  • Crash Cart (1)
  • Herman Miller Cabinets (30)
  • Nurses Station (1)
  • Patient Monitors (8)
  • Patient Stretchers (8)
  • Portable Suction Unit (8)
  • Doctor’s Stools (8)
  • Hazardous Waste Container (8)
  • Patient Station (Medical Gases) (8)

Optional medical equipment available for purchase.  We are here to meet your requirements.

Providing YOU, the Doctors and Nurses the perfect mobile emergency room facility to properly treat YOUR most seriously ill and injured patients!

Why you should choose Mobile Healthcare Facilities’ Mobile Emergency Room?


Compare our Remote Medical Clinic to our competitor’s Mobile General Medicine Unit and you will select Mobile Healthcare Facilities’ Remote Mobile General Medicine Facility.